
Christy Lambertson Consulting


Start-up Special - $1,500

If you are a brand-new organization or want to start a non-profit, this package is for you! Getting a 501c3 non-profit off the ground is a LOT of work, and the process can be confusing. For Start-Up Special clients, I will walk you through the process of incorporating and getting your tax-exempt status. This includes:

  •   Assistance with incorporating in the State of California
  • Completing Form 1023 to receive your 501c3 exemption and responding to all IRS inquiries
  • Completing Form 3500 for the State of California Franchise Tax Board Exemption

In addition, I will provide 10 hours of one-on-one, individualized consulting where you most need assistance, including (but not limited to):

  • Developing your bylaws
  • Advice on selecting and setting up your board
  • Clarifying your mission statement
  • Drafting an initial operating budget
  • Developing an initial fund-raising plan
  • Developing a program evaluation plan

If needed, you can purchase additional consulting hours.

Grant Readiness Assessment - $550

Getting a grant requires a lot more than just writing a proposal. Many non-profit learn this the hard way by repeated rejections. If you are new to grant seeking or your grant seeking efforts have been unsuccessful to date, the Grant Readiness Assessment can save you the frustrating experience of having your requests repeatedly denied. This package includes:

  • Review and assessment of all relevant materials, including program goals and outcomes, financials and any previously submitted proposals
  •  Identification of strengths and weaknesses
  • Development of a grant readiness plan with specific action steps to help you successfully compete for grants in the future

Grant Starter Package - $2,500

If you are on a tight budget, this package can give you the tools you need to get started.  Includes:

  •  Grant Readiness Assessment
  •  Boilerplate proposal and letter of inquiry that can be modified for future requests
  • A list of at least 10 potential foundation funders, along with information about their funding interests, grant ranges, deadlines and initial contact information, with a guarantee that your organization will meet the eligibility requirements of each funder.

Fund raising plan development for small non-profits - $1,000

Grants are just one part of successful fund raising. In this economy, you need to have diverse sources of funding if you want to thrive. This package is geared toward small non-profits with limited or no development staff. This package includes:

  • Assistance with developing budget projections for the next three years
  • Identification of potential sources of revenue
  • Development of a realistic, step–by-step fund raising plan tailored to your organization

Program Evaluation – Fee negotiated after consultation

Over the past several years, demand for services has gone up at the same time that sources of funding have become more competitive. Measurable program goals and outcomes and a clear plan for program evaluation are essential parts of a competitive grant proposal (and ensuring that you are accomplishing your mission as an organization), yet many organizations don’t have the time, resources, or expertise to do this effectively. External evaluations have their place, but you must also have the capacity within your organization to develop and track goals, outputs, and outcomes, and get feedback from those you serve. The end goal of this package is a program evaluation plan that will reflect your mission, vision, and outcomes and that is:

  • Specific, well-defined and clear – All staff will understand what they are measuring and how to measure it.
  • Agreed-upon by all staff – All staff responsible for program evaluation will have the opportunity to give input into the process.
  • Realistic – Program evaluation plan will take into account current staffing and resources, with the goal of not adding an undue amount of paperwork to staff workloads.

 Deliverables include:

  • Goals, objectives and outcomes for each program
  • Participant and parent feedback tools
  •  Any necessary intake tools for collecting baseline information
  • Plan for collecting, tracking and communicating all information necessary for program evaluation
  • Any additional tools or surveys that are deemed necessary for program evaluation
Please be aware that developing a program evaluation is a highly participatory process that requires a significant amount of time and input from program staff. The time you put in will be worth it.

Additional Services

I also offer additional services, which can be billed on an hourly basis or as a monthly flat fee.

Grant writing and Foundation Research

Frequently, small to mid-sized non-profits find that it is more cost-effective to contract with a freelance grant writer rather than hire a staff person. Ongoing grant writing services are $60/hour and there is a 20 hour/$1,200 monthly minimum. Services include:

  • Drafting all proposals and LOI’s
  •  Finding the funders that are a good fit
  • Developing a grant calendar for your organization
  • Assisting with grant tracking and reporting

General Writing and Editing

 I also write and edit copy for newsletters, brochures, website content, annual reports, staff and volunteer policy manuals, etc. These services are billed at an hourly rate of $60/hour or as a flat fee, depending on the project.


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