
Christy Lambertson Consulting

Grantwriting 101

For organizations that want to apply for grants, but don’t know where to start. This beginning level workshop is geared toward people with little to no grant-writing experience. In this interactive workshop, participants learn:

  • How to find funders that match their organization
  • What foundations and corporate donors want to know about their organization
  • How to clearly communicate their programs and vision
  • Common grant writing mistakes and how to avoid them

Participants work on a draft of a letter of inquiry during the workshop.

Training Duration:           4 hours                                    Training Level: Basic

Intermediate Grantwriting

This workshop builds on the skills learned in Grantwriting 101, and is geared toward participants with some grant writing experience. It primarily focuses on writing grants for private and corporate foundations.  In this workshop, participants learn:

  • How to make a grant writing plan
  • How to conduct effective foundation research
  • Elements of an effective proposal
  • Red flags to avoid
  • How to properly follow up after submitting a request

Participants should bring a previously submitted letter of inquiry or proposal for evaluation and discussion.

Training Duration:            4 hours                                     Training Level: Intermediate

Note: Grantwriting 101 and Intermediate Grantwriting can be combined and offered as a single, all-day workshop.

Program Planning for Non-profits

This workshop will give an overview of the steps to planning a quality program, including:

  • Incorporating program evaluation into program planning
  • Determining the resources needed 
  • Developing a publicity and recruiting plan
  • Participants will also receive tools to help create a logic model, budget & work plan. 

Training Duration:            3 hours                                     Training Level: Basic

Proposal Budgeting Basics

Many non-profits struggle with developing accurate budgets and don’t know what funders are looking for in a budget.  This workshop will give an overview of the budgeting process, and show participants:

  •  How to determine personnel expenses & fringe benefits, non-personnel expense, and indirect costs,
  •  How to project their Income, and
  • How to create a budget narrative and sustainability plan. 

Participants will work on a budget during this time, so they should bring existing budgets and any other helpful financial information, if they have them.  

Training Duration:            4  hours                                   Training Level: Basic

Program Evaluation

This workshop will give an overview of developing a program evaluation plan for participants’ organization, including:

  • Developing goals, outcomes, and outputs
  • Creating a program evaluation work plan
  • Developing surveys and other feedback tools
  • Tracking progress toward outcomes

Training Duration: 4 or 8  hours                                         Training Level: Basic for 4 hour workshop, Intermediate for 8 hour

Standard Fee:       $600 for a 3 to 4 hour workshop, $1,000 for an 8 hour workshop

Additional Fees:    $50 if I have to make copies of the handouts myself

I am also happy to work with you to develop new workshops.


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